Hypertext Webster Gateway: "chimney"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Chimney \Chim"ney\, n.; pl. {Chimneys}. [F. chemin['e]e, LL.
caminata, fr. L. caminus furnace, fireplace, Gr. ? furnace,
1. A fireplace or hearth. [Obs.] --Sir W. Raleigh.

2. That part of a building which contains the smoke flues;
esp. an upright tube or flue of brick or stone, in most
cases extending through or above the roof of the building.
Often used instead of chimney shaft.

Hard by a cottage chimney smokes. --Milton.

3. A tube usually of glass, placed around a flame, as of a
lamp, to create a draft, and promote combustion.

4. (Min.) A body of ore, usually of elongated form, extending
downward in a vein. --Raymond.

{Chimney board}, a board or screen used to close a fireplace;
a fireboard.

{Chimney cap}, a device to improve the draught of a chimney,
by presenting an exit aperture always to leeward.

{Chimney corner}, the space between the sides of the
fireplace and the fire; hence, the fireside.

{Chimney hook}, a hook for holding pats and kettles over a

{Chimney money}, hearth money, a duty formerly paid in
England for each chimney.

{Chimney pot} (Arch.), a cylinder of earthenware or sheet
metal placed at the top of a chimney which rises above the

{Chimney swallow}. (Zo["o]l.)
(a) An American swift ({Ch[ae]ture pelasgica}) which lives
in chimneys.
(b) In England, the common swallow ({Hirundo rustica}).

{Chimney sweep}, {Chimney sweeper}, one who cleans chimneys
of soot; esp. a boy who climbs the flue, and brushes off
the soot.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

n 1: a vertical flue that provides a path through which smoke
from a fire is carried away through the wall or roof of
a building
2: a glass flue surrounding the wick of an oil lamp [syn: {lamp

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