Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Examined"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Examine \Ex*am"ine\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Examined}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Examining}.] [L. examinare, examinatum, fr. examen,
examinis: cf. F. examiner. See {Examen}.]
1. To test by any appropriate method; to inspect carefully
with a view to discover the real character or state of; to
subject to inquiry or inspection of particulars for the
purpose of obtaining a fuller insight into the subject of
examination, as a material substance, a fact, a reason, a
cause, the truth of a statement; to inquire or search
into; to explore; as, to examine a mineral; to examine a
ship to know whether she is seaworthy; to examine a
proposition, theory, or question.

Examine well your own thoughts. --Chaucer.

Examine their counsels and their cares. --Shak.

2. To interrogate as in a judicial proceeding; to try or test
by question; as, to examine a witness in order to elicit
testimony, a student to test his qualifications, a
bankrupt touching the state of his property, etc.

The offenders that are to be examined. --Shak.

Syn: To discuss; debate; scrutinize; search into;
investigate; explore. See {Discuss}.

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