Hypertext Webster Gateway: "hypallelomorphs"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Allelomorph \Al*le"lo*morph\, n. [Gr. ? of one another + Gr. ?
form.] (Biol.)
One of the pure unit characters commonly existing singly or
in pairs in the germ cells of Mendelian hybrids, and
exhibited in varying proportion among the organisms
themselves. Allelomorphs which under certain circumstances
are themselves compound are called {hypallelomorphs}. See
{Mendel's law}. -- {Al*le`lo*mor"phic}, a.

As we know that the several unit characters are of such
a nature that any one of them is capable of
independently displacing or being displaced by one or
more alternative characters taken singly, we may
recognize this fact by naming such characters
allelomorphs. --Bateson.

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