Hypertext Webster Gateway: "destining"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Destine \Des"tine\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Destined}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Destining}.] [F. destiner, L. destinare; de + the root of
stare to stand. See {Stand}, and cf. {Obstinate}.]
To determine the future condition or application of; to set
apart by design for a future use or purpose; to fix, as by
destiny or by an authoritative decree; to doom; to ordain or
preordain; to appoint; -- often with the remoter object
preceded by to or for.

We are decreed, Reserved, and destined to eternal woe.

Till the loathsome opposite Of all my heart had
destined, did obtain. --Tennyson.

Not enjoyment and not sorrow Is our destined end or
way. --Longfellow.

Syn: To design; mark out; determine; allot; choose; intend;
devote; consecrate; doom.

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