Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Misseltoe"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Misseltoe \Mis"sel*toe\, n.
See {Mistletoe}.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Mistletoe \Mis"tle*toe\, n. [AS. mistelt[=a]n; mistel mistletoe
+ t[=a]n twig. AS. mistel is akin of D., G., Dan. & Sw.
mistel, OHG. mistil, Icel. mistilteinn; and AS. t[=a]n to D.
teen, OHG. zein, Icel. teinn, Goth. tains. Cf. {Missel}.]
A parasitic evergreen plant of Europe (Viscum album), bearing
a glutinous fruit. When found upon the oak, where it is rare,
it was an object of superstitious regard among the Druids. A
bird lime is prepared from its fruit. [Written also
{misletoe}, {misseltoe}, and {mistleto}.] --Lindley. Loudon.

Note: The mistletoe of the United States is {Phoradendron
flavescens}, having broader leaves than the European
kind. In different regions various similar plants are
called by this name.

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