Hypertext Webster Gateway: "wreaking"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Wreak \Wreak\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Wreaked}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Wreaking}.] [OE. wrek?? to revenge, punish, drive out, AS.
wrecan; akin to OFries. wreka, OS. wrekan to punish, D.
wreken to avenge, G. r["a]chen, OHG. rehhan, Icel. reka to
drive, to take vengeance, Goth. wrikan to persecute, Lith.
vargas distress, vargti to suffer distress, L. urgere to
drive, urge, Gr. ? to shut, Skr. ? to turn away. Cf. {Urge},
{Wreck}, {Wretch}.]
1. To revenge; to avenge. [Archaic]

He should wreake him on his foes. --Chaucer.

Another's wrongs to wreak upon thyself. --Spenser.

Come wreak his loss, whom bootless ye complain.

2. To execute in vengeance or passion; to inflict; to hurl or
drive; as, to wreak vengeance on an enemy.

On me let Death wreak all his rage. --Milton.

Now was the time to be avenged on his old enemy, to
wreak a grudge of seventeen years. --Macaulay.

But gather all thy powers, And wreak them on the
verse that thou dost weave. --Bryant.

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