Hypertext Webster Gateway: "octave"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Octave \Oc"tave\, n. [F., fr. L. octava an eighth, fr. octavus
eighth, fr. octo eight. See {Eight}, and cf. {Octavo},
1. The eighth day after a church festival, the festival day
being included; also, the week following a church
festival. ``The octaves of Easter.'' --Jer. Taylor.

2. (Mus.)
(a) The eighth tone in the scale; the interval between one
and eight of the scale, or any interval of equal
length; an interval of five tones and two semitones.
(b) The whole diatonic scale itself.

Note: The ratio of a musical tone to its octave above is 1:2
as regards the number of vibrations producing the

3. (Poet.) The first two stanzas of a sonnet, consisting of
four verses each; a stanza of eight lines.

With mournful melody it continued this octave. --Sir
P. Sidney.

{Double octave}. (Mus.) See under {Double}.

{Octave flute} (Mus.), a small flute, the tones of which
range an octave higher than those of the German or
ordinary flute; -- called also {piccolo}. See {Piccolo}.

4. A small cask of wine, the eighth part of a pipe.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Octave \Oc"tave\, a.
Consisting of eight; eight. --Dryden.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

n 1: a feast day and the seven days following it
2: a musical interval of eight tones [syn: {musical octave}]
3: a rhythmic group of eight lines of verse

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