Hypertext Webster Gateway: "exhilaration"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Exhilaration \Ex*hil`a*ra"tion\, n. [L., exhilaratio.]
1. The act of enlivening the spirits; the act of making glad
or cheerful; a gladdening.

2. The state of being enlivened or cheerful.

Exhilaration hath some affinity with joy, though it
be a much lighter motion. --Bacon.

Syn: Animation; joyousness; gladness; cheerfulness; gayety;
hilarity; merriment; jollity.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

n : the feeling of lively and cheerful joy; "he could hardly
conceal his excitement when she agreed" [syn: {excitement}]

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