Hypertext Webster Gateway: "disciplining"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Discipline \Dis"ci*pline\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disciplined}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Disciplining}.] [Cf. LL. disciplinarian to
flog, fr. L. disciplina discipline, and F. discipliner to
1. To educate; to develop by instruction and exercise; to

2. To accustom to regular and systematic action; to bring
under control so as to act systematically; to train to act
together under orders; to teach subordination to; to form
a habit of obedience in; to drill.

Ill armed, and worse disciplined. --Clarendon.

His mind . . . imperfectly disciplined by nature.

3. To improve by corrective and penal methods; to chastise;
to correct.

Has he disciplined Aufidius soundly? --Shak.

4. To inflict ecclesiastical censures and penalties upon.

Syn: To train; form; teach; instruct; bring up; regulate;
correct; chasten; chastise; punish.

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