Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Banian"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Banian \Ban"ian\, n. [Skr. banij merchant. The tree was so named
by the English, because used as a market place by the
1. A Hindoo trader, merchant, cashier, or money changer.
[Written also {banyan}.]

2. A man's loose gown, like that worn by the Banians.

3. (Bot.) The Indian fig. See {Banyan}.

{Banian days} (Naut.), days in which the sailors have no
flesh meat served out to them. This use seems to be
borrowed from the Banians or Banya race, who eat no flesh.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

n 1: East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down
into the soil forming additional trunks [syn: {banyan},
{banyan tree}, {banian tree}, {Indian banyan}, {East
Indian fig tree}, {Ficus bengalensis}]
2: a loose fitting jacket; originally worn in India [syn: {banyan}]

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