Hypertext Webster Gateway: "electuaries"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Electuary \E*lec"tu*a*ry\ (?; 135), n.; pl. {Electuaries}. [OE.
letuaire, OF. lettuaire, electuaire, F. ['e]lectuaire, L.
electuarium, electarium. prob. fr. Gr. ?, ? a medicine that
is licked away, fr. Gr. ? to lick up; ? out + ? to lick. See
{Lick}, and cf. {Eclegm}.] (Med.)
A medicine composed of powders, or other ingredients,
incorporated with some convserve, honey, or sirup; a
confection. See the note under {Confection}.

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