Hypertext Webster Gateway: "cohered"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Cohere \Co*here"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Cohered}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Cohering}.] [L. cohaerere, cohaesum; co- + haerere to
stick, adhere. See {Aghast}, a.]
1. To stick together; to cleave; to be united; to hold fast,
as parts of the same mass.

Neither knows he . . . how the solid parts of the
body are united or cohere together. --Locke.

2. To be united or connected together in subordination to one
purpose; to follow naturally and logically, as the parts
of a discourse, or as arguments in a train of reasoning;
to be logically consistent.

They have been inserted where they best seemed to
cohere. --Burke.

3. To suit; to agree; to fit. [Obs.]

Had time cohered with place, or place with wishing.

Syn: To cleave; unite; adhere; stick; suit; agree; fit; be

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