Hypertext Webster Gateway: "barrier"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Barrier \Bar"ri*er\, n. [OE. barrere, barere, F. barri[`e]re,
fr. barre bar. See {Bar}, n.]
1. (Fort.) A carpentry obstruction, stockade, or other
obstacle made in a passage in order to stop an enemy.

2. A fortress or fortified town, on the frontier of a
country, commanding an avenue of approach.

3. pl. A fence or railing to mark the limits of a place, or
to keep back a crowd.

No sooner were the barriers opened, than he paced
into the lists. --Sir W.

4. An any obstruction; anything which hinders approach or
attack. ``Constitutional barriers.'' --Hopkinson.

5. Any limit or boundary; a line of separation.

'Twixt that [instinct] and reason, what a nice
barrier ! --Pope.

{Barrier gate}, a heavy gate to close the opening through a

{Barrier reef}, a form of coral reef which runs in the
general direction of the shore, and incloses a lagoon
channel more or less extensive.

{To fight at barriers}, to fight with a barrier between, as a
martial exercise. [Obs.]

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

n 1: a structure or object that impedes free movement
2: any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to
achieve an objective; "intolerance is a barrier to
understanding" [syn: {roadblock}]
3: anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing
vision or access

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