Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Usually"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Usual \U"su*al\, a. [L. usualis, from usus use: cf. F. usuel.
See {Use}, n.]
Such as is in common use; such as occurs in ordinary
practice, or in the ordinary course of events; customary;
ordinary; habitual; common.

Consultation with oracles was a thing very usual and
frequent in their times. --Hooker.

We can make friends of these usual enemies. --Baxter.
-- {U"su*al*ly}, adv. -- {U"su*al*ness}, n.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

adv : under normal conditions; "usually she was late" [syn: {normally},
{unremarkably}, {commonly}, {ordinarily}] [ant: {unusually}]

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