Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Unman"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Unman \Un*man"\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + man.]
1. To deprive of the distinctive qualities of a human being,
as reason, or the like. [R.] --South.

2. To emasculate; to deprive of virility.

3. To deprive of the courage and fortitude of a man; to break
or subdue the manly spirit in; to cause to despond; to
dishearten; to make womanish.

Let's not unman each other. --Byron.

4. To deprive of men; as, to unman a ship.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

v : cause to lose one's nerve; "an unmanning experience"

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