Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Seamy"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Seamy \Seam"y\, a.
Having a seam; containing seams, or showing them. ``Many a
seamy scar.'' --Burns.

Everything has its fair, as well as its seamy, side.
--Sir W.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

adj : morally degraded; "a seedy district"; "the seamy side of
life"; "sleazy characters hanging around casinos";
"sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls"- Seattle
Weekly; "the sordid details of his orgies stank under
his very nostrils"- James Joyce; "the squalid
atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal" [syn: {seedy}, {sleazy},
{sordid}, {squalid}]

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