Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Richest"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Rich \Rich\, (r[i^]ch), a. [Compar. {Richer}; superl.
{Richest}.] [OE. riche, AS. r[=i]ce rich, powerful; akin to
OS. r[=i]ki, D. rijk, G. reich, OHG. r[=i]hhi, Icel. r[=i]kr,
Sw. rik, Dan. rig, Goth. reiks; from a word meaning, ruler,
king, probably borrowed from Celtic, and akin to L. rex,
regis, king, regere to guide, rule. [root]283. See {Right},
and cf. {Derrick}, {Enrich}, {Rajah}, {Riches}, {Royal}.]
1. Having an abundance of material possessions; possessed of
a large amount of property; well supplied with land,
goods, or money; wealthy; opulent; affluent; -- opposed to
{poor}. ``Rich merchants.'' --Chaucer.

The rich [person] hath many friends. --Prov. xiv.

As a thief, bent to unhoard the cash Of some rich
burgher. --Milton.

2. Hence, in general, well supplied; abounding; abundant;
copious; bountiful; as, a rich treasury; a rich
entertainment; a rich crop.

If life be short, it shall be glorious; Each minute
shall be rich in some great action. --Rowe.

The gorgeous East with richest hand Showers on her
kings barbaric pearl and gold. --Milton.

3. Yielding large returns; productive or fertile; fruitful;
as, rich soil or land; a rich mine.

4. Composed of valuable or costly materials or ingredients;
procured at great outlay; highly valued; precious;
sumptuous; costly; as, a rich dress; rich silk or fur;
rich presents.

Like to rich and various gems. --Milton.

5. Abounding in agreeable or nutritive qualities; --
especially applied to articles of food or drink which are
high-seasoned or abound in oleaginous ingredients, or are
sweet, luscious, and high-flavored; as, a rich dish; rich
cream or soup; rich pastry; rich wine or fruit.

Sauces and rich spices are fetched from India.

6. Not faint or delicate; vivid; as, a rich color.

7. Full of sweet and harmonius sounds; as, a rich voice; rich

8. Abounding in beauty; gorgeous; as, a rich landscape; rich

9. Abounding in humor; exciting amusement; entertaining; as,
the scene was a rich one; a rich incident or character.
[Colloq.] --Thackeray.

Note: Rich is sometimes used in the formation of
self-explaining compounds; as, rich-fleeced,
rich-jeweled, rich-laden, rich-stained.

Syn: Wealthy; affluent; opulent; ample; copious; abundant;
plentiful; fruitful; costly; sumptuous; precious;
generous; luscious.

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