Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Probably"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Probably \Prob"a*bly\, adv.
In a probable manner; in likelihood.

Distinguish between what may possibly and what will
probably be done. --L'Estrange.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

adv 1: with considerable certainty; without much doubt; "He is
probably out of the country"; "in all likelihood we
are headed for war" [syn: {likely}, {in all likelihood},
{in all probability}, {belike}]
2: easy to believe on the basis of available evidence; "he
talked plausibly before the committee"; "he will probably
win the election" [syn: {credibly}, {believably}, {plausibly}]
[ant: {incredibly}]

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