Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Privities"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Privity \Priv"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Privities} (-t[i^]z). [From
{Privy}, a.: cf. F. privaut['e] extreme familiarity.]
1. Privacy; secrecy; confidence. --Chaucer.

I will unto you, in privity, discover . . . my
purpose. --Spenser.

2. Private knowledge; joint knowledge with another of a
private concern; cognizance implying consent or

All the doors were laid open for his departure, not
without the privity of the Prince of Orange.

3. A private matter or business; a secret. --Chaucer.

4. pl. The genitals; the privates.

5. (Law) A connection, or bond of union, between parties, as
to some particular transaction; mutual or successive
relationship to the same rights of property.

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