Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Porcine"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Porcine \Por"cine\, a. [L. porcinus, from porcus a swine. See
Of or pertaining to swine; characteristic of the hog.
``Porcine cheeks.'' --G. Eliot.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

adj 1: relating to or suggesting swine; "comparison between human
and porcine pleasures"
2: repellently fat; "a bald porcine old man" [syn: {gross}]
3: resembling swine; coarsely gluttonous or greedy; "piggish
table manners"; "the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his
porcine pot-bellied father"; "swinish slavering over food"
[syn: {hoggish}, {piggish}, {piggy}, {swinish}]

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