Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Gadflies"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Gadfly \Gad"fly`\, n.; pl. {Gadflies}. [Gad + fly.] (Zo["o]l.)
Any dipterous insect of the genus {Oestrus}, and allied
genera of botflies.

Note: The sheep gadfly ({Oestrus ovis}) deposits its young in
the nostrils of sheep, and the larv[ae] develop in the
frontal sinuses. The common species which infests
cattle ({Hypoderma bovis}) deposits its eggs upon or in
the skin where the larv[ae] or bots live and produce
sores called wormels. The gadflies of the horse produce
the intestinal parasites called bots. See {Botfly}, and
{Bots}. The true horseflies are often erroneously
called gadflies, and the true gadflies are sometimes
incorrectly called breeze flies.

{Gadfly petrel} (Zo["o]l.), one of several small petrels of
the genus {Oestrelata}.

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