Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Emotional"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Emotional \E*mo"tion*al\, a.
Pertaining to, or characterized by, emotion; excitable;
easily moved; sensational; as, an emotional nature.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

adj 1: determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason; "it
was an emotional judgment" [ant: {cerebral}]
2: of more than usual emotion; "his behavior was highly
emotional" [ant: {unemotional}]
3: of or pertaining to emotion; "emotional health"; "an
emotional crisis"
4: extravagantly demonstrative; "insincere and effusive
demonstrations of sentimental friendship"; "a large
gushing female"; "write unrestrained and gushy poetry"
[syn: {effusive}, {gushing(a)}, {gushy}]
5: of persons; excessively affected by emotion; "he would
become emotional over nothing at all"; "she was worked up
about all the noise" [syn: {aroused}, {excited}, {worked

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