Hypertext Webster Gateway: "repose"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Repose \Re*pose"\, n. [F. repos. See {Repose}, v.]
1. A lying at rest; sleep; rest; quiet.

Shake off the golden slumber of repose. --Shak.

2. Rest of mind; tranquillity; freedom from uneasiness; also,
a composed manner or deportment.

3. (Poetic) A rest; a pause.

4. (Fine Arts) That harmony or moderation which affords rest
for the eye; -- opposed to the scattering and division of
a subject into too many unconnected parts, and also to
anything which is overstrained; as, a painting may want

{Angle of repose} (Physics), the inclination of a plane at
which a body placed on the plane would remain at rest, or
if in motion would roll or slide down with uniform
velocity; the angle at which the various kinds of earth
will stand when abandoned to themselves.

Syn: Rest; recumbency; reclination; ease; quiet; quietness;
tranquillity; peace.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Repose \Re*pose"\ (r[-e]*p[=o]z"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reposed}
(-p?zd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reposing}.] [F. reposer; L. pref.
re- re- + pausare to pause. See {Pause}, {Pose}, v.]
1. To cause to stop or to rest after motion; hence, to
deposit; to lay down; to lodge; to reposit. [Obs.]

But these thy fortunes let us straight repose In
this divine cave's bosom. --Chapman.

Pebbles reposed in those cliffs amongst the earth .
. . are left behind. --Woodward.

2. To lay at rest; to cause to be calm or quiet; to compose;
to rest, -- often reflexive; as, to repose one's self on a

All being settled and reposed, the lord archbishop
did present his majesty to the lords and commons.

After the toil of battle to repose Your wearied
virtue. --Milton.

3. To place, have, or rest; to set; to intrust.

The king reposeth all his confidence in thee.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Repose \Re*pose"\, v. i.
1. To lie at rest; to rest.

Within a thicket I reposed. --Chapman.

2. Figuratively, to remain or abide restfully without anxiety
or alarms.

It is upon these that the soul may repose. --I.

3. To lie; to be supported; as, trap reposing on sand.

Syn: To lie; recline; couch; rest; sleep; settle; lodge;

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Angle \An"gle\ ([a^][ng]"g'l), n. [F. angle, L. angulus angle,
corner; akin to uncus hook, Gr. 'agky`los bent, crooked,
angular, 'a`gkos a bend or hollow, AS. angel hook, fish-hook,
G. angel, and F. anchor.]
1. The inclosed space near the point where two lines meet; a
corner; a nook.

Into the utmost angle of the world. --Spenser.

To search the tenderest angles of the heart.

2. (Geom.)
(a) The figure made by. two lines which meet.
(b) The difference of direction of two lines. In the lines
meet, the point of meeting is the vertex of the angle.

3. A projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment.

Though but an angle reached him of the stone.

4. (Astrol.) A name given to four of the twelve astrological
``houses.'' [Obs.] --Chaucer.

5. [AS. angel.] A fishhook; tackle for catching fish,
consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a

Give me mine angle: we 'll to the river there.

A fisher next his trembling angle bears. --Pope.

{Acute angle}, one less than a right angle, or less than

{Adjacent} or {Contiguous angles}, such as have one leg
common to both angles.

{Alternate angles}. See {Alternate}.

{Angle bar}.
(a) (Carp.) An upright bar at the angle where two faces of
a polygonal or bay window meet. --Knight.
(b) (Mach.) Same as {Angle iron}.

{Angle bead} (Arch.), a bead worked on or fixed to the angle
of any architectural work, esp. for protecting an angle of
a wall.

{Angle brace}, {Angle tie} (Carp.), a brace across an
interior angle of a wooden frame, forming the hypothenuse
and securing the two side pieces together. --Knight.

{Angle iron} (Mach.), a rolled bar or plate of iron having
one or more angles, used for forming the corners, or
connecting or sustaining the sides of an iron structure to
which it is riveted.

{Angle leaf} (Arch.), a detail in the form of a leaf, more or
less conventionalized, used to decorate and sometimes to
strengthen an angle.

{Angle meter}, an instrument for measuring angles, esp. for
ascertaining the dip of strata.

{Angle shaft} (Arch.), an enriched angle bead, often having a
capital or base, or both.

{Curvilineal angle}, one formed by two curved lines.

{External angles}, angles formed by the sides of any
right-lined figure, when the sides are produced or

{Facial angle}. See under {Facial}.

{Internal angles}, those which are within any right-lined

{Mixtilineal angle}, one formed by a right line with a curved

{Oblique angle}, one acute or obtuse, in opposition to a
right angle.

{Obtuse angle}, one greater than a right angle, or more than

{Optic angle}. See under {Optic}.

{Rectilineal} or {Right-lined angle}, one formed by two right

{Right angle}, one formed by a right line falling on another
perpendicularly, or an angle of 90[deg] (measured by a
quarter circle).

{Solid angle}, the figure formed by the meeting of three or
more plane angles at one point.

{Spherical angle}, one made by the meeting of two arcs of
great circles, which mutually cut one another on the
surface of a globe or sphere.

{Visual angle}, the angle formed by two rays of light, or two
straight lines drawn from the extreme points of an object
to the center of the eye.

{For Angles of commutation}, {draught}, {incidence},
{reflection}, {refraction}, {position}, {repose}, {fraction},
see {Commutation}, {Draught}, {Incidence}, {Reflection},
{Refraction}, etc.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

n 1: freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility);
"took his repose by the swimming pool" [syn: {rest}, {ease},
2: the absence of mental stress or anxiety [syn: {peace}, {peacefulness},
{peace of mind}, {serenity}, {heartsease}, {ataraxis}]
3: a disposition free from stress or emotion [syn: {quiet}, {placidity},
{serenity}, {tranquillity}, {tranquility}]
v 1: put or confide something in a person or thing; "These
philosophers reposed the law in the people"
2: be inherent or innate in; [syn: {rest}, {reside}]
3: lie when dead; "Mao reposes in his mausoleum"
4: lie in a comfortable resting position; "He was reposing on
the couch" [syn: {recline}]
5: put in a horizontal position; "lay the books on the table";
"lay the patient carefully onto the bed" [syn: {lay}, {put
6: to put something (eg trust) in something; "The nation
reposed its confidence in the King"
7: be at rest [syn: {rest}] [ant: {be active}]

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