Hypertext Webster Gateway: "privative"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Privative \Priv"a*tive\, a. [L. privativus: cf. F. privatif. See
1. Causing privation; depriving.

2. Consisting in the absence of something; not positive;

Privative blessings, blessings of immunity,
safeguard, liberty, and integrity. --Jer. Taylor.

3. (Gram.) Implying privation or negation; giving a negative
force to a word; as, alpha privative; privative particles;
-- applied to such prefixes and suffixes as a- (Gr. ?),
un-, non-, -less.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Privative \Priv"a*tive\, n.
1. That of which the essence is the absence of something.

Blackness and darkness are indeed but privatives.

2. (Logic) A term indicating the absence of any quality which
might be naturally or rationally expected; -- called also
{privative term}.

3. (Gram.) A privative prefix or suffix. See {Privative}, a.,

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