Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Symptomatic"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Symptomatic \Symp`tom*at"ic\, Symptomatical \Symp`tom*at"ic*al\,
a. [Cf. F. symptomatique, Gr. ? causal.]
1. Of or pertaining to symptoms; happening in concurrence
with something; being a symptom; indicating the existence
of something else.

Symptomatic of a shallow understanding and an
unamiable temper. --Macaulay.

2. According to symptoms; as, a symptomatical classification
of diseases. -- {Symp`tom*at"ic*al*ly}, adv.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

adj 1: characteristic or indicative of e.g. a disease; "a
diagnostic sign of yellow fever"; "diagnostic
information"; "a rash symptomatic of scarlet fever";
"symptomatic of insanity"; "a rise in crime
symptomatic of social breakdown" [syn: {diagnostic}, {symptomatic
2: relating to or according to or affecting a symptom or
symptoms; "symptomatic relief"; "symptomatic treatment";
"a symptomatic classification of diseases"

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