Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Senile"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Senile \Se"nile\, a. [L. senilis, from senex, gen. senis, old,
an old man: cf. F. s['e]nile. See {Senior}.]
Of or pertaining to old age; proceeding from, or
characteristic of, old age; affected with the infirmities of
old age; as, senile weakness. ``Senile maturity of
judgment.'' --Boyle.

{Senile gangrene} (Med.), a form of gangrene occuring
particularly in old people, and caused usually by
insufficient blood supply due to degeneration of the walls
of the smaller arteries.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

adj : mentally or physically infirm with age; "his mother was
doddering and frail" [syn: {doddering}, {doddery}, {gaga}]

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