Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Imprudent"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Imprudent \Im*pru"dent\, a. [L. imprudens; pref. im- not +
prudens prudent: cf. F. imprudent. See {Prudent}, and cf.
Not prudent; wanting in prudence or discretion; indiscreet;
injudicious; not attentive to consequence; improper. --
{Im*pru"dent*ly}, adv.

Her majesty took a great dislike at the imprudent
behavior of many of the ministers and readers.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

adj 1: not prudent or wise; "very imprudent of her mother to
encourage her in such silly romantic ideas"; "would be
imprudent for a noneconomist to talk about the details
of economic policy"- A.M.Schlesinger [ant: {prudent}]
2: lacking wise self-restraint; "an imprudent remark"

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