Hypertext Webster Gateway: "Hogshead"

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (web1913)

Hogshead \Hogs"head\, n. [D. okshoofd; akin to Sw. oxhufvud,
Dan. oxehoved, G. oxhoft; apparently meaning orig., ox head,
but it is not known why this name was given. Cf. {Ox},
1. An English measure of capacity, containing 63 wine
gallons, or about 52? imperial gallons; a half pipe.

Note: The London hogshead of beer was 54 beer gallons, the
London hogshead of ale was 48 ale gallons. Elsewhere in
England the ale and beer hogsheads held 51 gallons.
These measures are no longer in use, except for cider.

2. A large cask or barrel, of indefinite contents; esp. one
containing from 100 to 140 gallons. [U. S.]

From WordNet (r) 1.7 (wn)

n 1: a British unit of capacity for alcoholic beverages
2: a large cask especially one holding 63 gals

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